2. 四川省社会科学规划项目,SC21B143,植物在地下城市办公空间中对人员心理环境的影响机制及设计优化研究,2020.11--2022.02,1.5万,在研,主持
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费专题研究项目,2682020ZT99,2020.12--2022.11,8万,在研,主持
Li, H. L., Wu, D.* & Zhou, J. Z. (2021). Effect of tubular daylight guidance system on the daylighting performance and energy savings in office buildings under different climate zones. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 13, 6, 1-15. (SCI, IF2020=2.219).
Wu, D., Aye, L., Yuan, Y. P.*, Mendis, P. & Ngo, T. (2020). Comparison of optimal oriented façade integrated solar cooling systems in Australian climate zones. Solar Energy, 198, 385-398. (SCI, IF2020=5.742)
Wu, D., Aye, L.*, Ngo, T. & Mendis, P. (2017). Optimisation and financial analysis of an organic Rankine cycle cooling system driven by facade integrated solar collectors. Applied Energy, 185, 172-182. (SCI, IF2020=9.746)
Zuo, L. J., Wu, D., Yu., L. &Yuan, Y. P.* (2021). Phytoremediation of formaldehyde by the stems of Epipremnum aureum and Rohdea japonica. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (SCI, IF2020=4.223)
Li, H. L., Wu, D., Yuan, Y. P.* & Zuo, L. J. (2021). Evaluation methods of the daylight performance and potential energy saving of tubular daylight guide systems: A review. Indoor and Built Environment. (SCI, IF2020=3.015)
Zhou, J. Z., Zhong, W., Wu, D., Yuan, Y. P., Ji, W. H.* & He, W. (2021) A Review on the Heat Pipe Photovoltaic/Thermal (PV/T) System. Journal of Thermal Science, 30, 1469-1490. (SCI, IF2020=2.438)
Xiang, B., Ji, Y. S., Yuan, Y. P.*, Wu, D., Zeng, C. & Zhou, J. Z. (2021). 10-year simulation of photovoltaic-thermal road assisted ground source heat pump system for accommodation building heating in expressway service area. Solar Energy, 215, 459-472. (SCI, IF2020=5.742)
Zuo, L. J., Wu, D., Yuan, Y. P.*, Li, H. L. & Yu, L. (2020). Effect of arrangement and quantity of epipremnum aureum on work efficiency and subjective perceptions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(15), 17804-17814. (SCI, IF2020=4.223)
Niu, J. Q.*, Wang, Y. M., Wu, D. & Liu, F. (2020). Comparison of different configurations of aerodynamic braking plate on the flow around a high-speed train. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 14(1), 655-668. (SCI, IF2020=8.391)
Sui, Y., Niu, J. Q., Yuan, Y. P.*, Yu, Q. J., Cao, X. L., Wu, D., & Yang, X. F. (2020). An Aerothermal Study of Influence of Blockage Ratio on a Supersonic Tube Train System,1-12. Journal of Thermal Science. (SCI, IF2020=2.438)
Wu, D., Aye, L.* & Ngo, T. Working fluid selection for a façade integrated solar organic Rankine cycle, SOLAR 2014 Conference & Exhibition, San Francisco, United States, 2014.5.8-2014.5.9.
Wu, D., Aye, L.*, Mendis P. & Ngo, T. A financial analysis of solar cooling systems in Australia, Solar Cooling 2013 Conference, 2013.4.12-2013.4.12.
Wu, D., Aye, L.*, Mendis P. & Ngo, T. Technical feasibility of a façade integrated solar cooling system for commercial buildings, SOLAR 2012,50th Annual Australian Solar Council Conference, 2012.12.5-2012.12.6.
Aye, L.*, George, B. & Wu, D. Solar chilled drinking water sourced from thin air: modelling and simulation of a solar powered atmospheric water generator, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 2012.12.1-2013.12.6.
1. 绿色建筑设计理论与方法
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