研究方向:城市及住房研究;可持续城市及社区; 可持续建筑; 绿色基础设施.
学术发表:发表学术论文34篇(其中期刊论文25篇,会议论文9篇(含EI 5篇)). 主编图形设计类图书2本. 发表论文代表如下:
Chunyan Yang, Song Shi, Goran Runeson. (2023). Towards sustainable urban communities: Investigating the associations between community parks and place attachment in master-planned estates in Sydney. Sustainable Cities and Society, 96, 104659. [SCI, Q1, Impact Factor =11.7].
Chunyan Yang, Song Shi, Goran Runeson. (2023). Developing place attachment in master-planned residential estates in Sydney: The influence of neighbourhood parks. Buildings. 13(12), 3080. [SCI, Q2, Impact Factor =3.8].
Chunyan Yang, Song Shi, Goran Runeson. (2022). Associations between community parks and social interactions in master-planned estates in Sydney, Australia. Sustainability, 14(6), 3496. [SCI/SSCI, Q2, Impact Factor = 3.9].
Chunyan Yang, Bo Gao, Yimin Peng. (2014). Strategy research on sustainable development of urban form in western Sichuan plain. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 522, 1632-1635. [Conference, EI].
Chunyan Yang, Shu Min. (2014). Study on sustainable construction characteristics of Sichuan vernacular architectures. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 522,1641-1644. [Conference, EI].
Chunyan Yang, Xiao Han, & Bo Gao. (2013). Strategies and empirical research for the development of new rural community space in west Sichuan, Advanced Materials Research, 02, [Conference, EI].
Xiao Han, Chunyan Yang, Yimin Peng. (2013). Urban form developing strategy research of medium and small towns in western Sichuan plain. Advanced Materials Research, 663, 190-193. [Conference, EI].
杨春燕,周妍,卢端芳.(2018). 基于语义差异法的古镇街道空间氛围评价研究,新建筑,vol. 06,102-107。
杨春燕,彭益旻.(2016). 生态与人文价值视角下的成都温江绿道体系规划研究, 西部人居环境学刊,vol.1. 110-114。
杨春燕,姜熙.(2009). 都江堰灾后社区重建模式探索,新建筑,vol.06,134-136。
杨春燕.(2008). 创建融合式生态网架—以自贡市南湖生态城起步区城市设计为例,华中建筑,vol.5,127-129。
SCI 期刊Landscape and Urban Design (Q1) 审稿人。